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Irish New Year's

So "Off the Rails" Irish pub had this brilliant idea to have an Irish New Year's party. What made it so different and appealing (to older people especially) was the fact that the 'ball' dropped at 7 pm our time instead of midnight - our time. Why? Because at 7 pm our time, it is actually midnight in Ireland. So by 9 or 10 pm, everyone here is done partying, packed up, home and safe. Let all the other crazies out there drive at 1 am. Like I said, brilliant.

One of the better components (well, besides us, of course. :-) of the evening was the lady cloggers. They were fantastic and a pleasure to watch - especially the little ones.

What does it look like from a drummer's perspective? I really need to remember to take more photos like this. We are still setting up here, so the crowd hadn't arrived yet, but it is always a pleasure and an honor to be on stage. Now if I could just take photos WHILE I am drumming and the rest of the band is playing - perhaps when I improve.

We started our set around 5:30 pm. We played for an hour and then we took a break so the dancers could do their thing for another 30 minutes. Besides, we were starting to have some sound problems so it was probably a good time for us to take a break anyway.

For some additional entertainment, we added Shania Twain's, "Man, I feel like a Woman" to our Set. I grew my hair out for the song. Yeah, like I could actually grow that much hair at my age. Halfway through the song, the hair got in my eyes and I couldn't see the drums anymore, and I couldn't stop to push it out of my face.

The dancers are back!

We finished our set at 8:00 pm. I/we always thought that Sweet Home Alabama would be our final song, but we have recently added Jackson Browne's "Stay" to our set so we decided to try that as our last song. Obviously, it is rather slow. Okay, I gotta admit, that song worked out great because everyone in the crowd was slow-dancing to it. It definitely was a nice way to end the evening. I'm pretty sure we will leave this as our final song. I think we are up to about 2 hours of music now. We are definitely getting faster at adding new songs to our repertoire.

Bottom line, "Irish New Year's" was a great time. We really appreciated the opportunity to perform on New Years.

Stay tuned, Next Phase's Next Performance is February 9th at Havana Springs for 'Casino Royale.'

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